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Speaker Title Abstract Public
Padraig Brennan Is your Agile my Agile ? The different faces to Agile This presentation is for Project Managers , Developers or Senior Managers that have either
been using Agile for some time or are beginning a transition. Padraig will present what are the key Agile fundamentals in
any Agile Team or in any Agile Transition. Some real work experiences will be explored in order to demonstrate
what are the key points that any developer or manager must address in order to make agile work well. Padraig will
provide experience from leading the agile transition of a Large organisation over that past 3 years as well as leading
Agile projects in a number of other companies over the past 10 years.

All participants will learn how to achieve improved quality and productivity from their Agile projects.

Padraig Brennan Practices of quality and testing when implementing Agile methodologies This Presentation is for Project Managers and Developers who want to understand the importance of clean code , what it is and how
to achieve it. Padraig will present some real world projects that have achieved significant quality improvements using these techniques.
Much of the presentaion will focus on TDD , what it is and how to use it. The Coding Dojo technique will also be introduced, http://codingdojo.org/.
Frederic Oehl Introduction to Agile Methods In 2001, 17 software engineers published the Agile Manifesto. We will review the Manifesto to talk of the changes involved by the move to agile. We will also introduce some of the Agile Methods. Beginner
Frederic Oehl XP Game Workshop to introduce the basic concepts of eXTreme Programming such as iteration, story points, velocity, etc. (cf. http://www.xp.be/xpgame.html) Beginner
Ken Brennock Practices of quality and testing when implementing Agile methodologies Agile implementations often struggle to implement effective approaches to testing that achieve productivity enhancements with the required level of quality. The aim of this presentation is to provide insights into the various approaches and practices of quality and testing when implementing Agile methodologies. The presentation will examine past experiences where quality/testing have often not been successful, to the present where testers are starting to understand their role in a wide variety of agile team implementations and will conclude with considerations of what the future might hold for role of testing in agile projects. All
Colm O'hEocha New to Agile 1) Agile is different - it involves a paradigm shift in how we conduct
software development. Its not just a case of buying a new tool and
renaming roles in the team - it involves a highly pragmatic,
risk-adverse approach to development, based on the same lean thinking
that made manufactures like Toyota world leaders in product development.
2) Agile is good - research shows it is delivering real business
agility, productivity, quality. Real world experiences with agile can
be used to build strong business cases and demonstrate its benefits.
3) Agile is going mainstream - contrary to common myths, its not just
for small co-located teams working on green-fields projects where
quality isn't critical. Its being applied across global enterprises
and a wide variety of project types.
Nicolas Paez Lightweight Agile framework for quality assurance in Small and Medium Enterprises Based on their business needs, many software SMEs differentiate
through the high quality of their deliverables, compliancy with standards and
alignment with engineering best practices. In this session I will explain how an SME in
that context, successfully used a lightweight framework based on premises like
self-assessment, tailoring, automation and positive peer pressure that assured a
high level of service quality while removing the implied costs that would be
derived from implementing a QA department. The framework aligned with the
company’s agile processes allowing teams, through the implementation of short
iterations, to assess their compliancy with a tailored quality baseline and make
reviews with the help of cross-teams Quality Reviewers. The result was a low
cost framework that helped to grow factors like overall process quality while
increasing quality perceived from the customer.
Romans Malinovskis Implementing Agile development in an outsourcing company All
Anne-Marie Charrett Exploratory Testing Challenge This session involves participants to come along and take part in a Exploratory Testing Challenge. This challenge will test a robot and demonstrate in very practical terms the powerful nature of Exploratory Testing. All
Robert McGarry Case Study A case study for a project where we delivered a large case management solution to a central government agency in the UK using agile techniques and BPM technology. All
David Williams Agile Services Oriented Architecture Does Agile development help you develop Service Oriented Architectures? What happens when you combine the world of SOA with Agile practices? All